Learn About Decking Definitions
Sep 30, 2021
Get Familiar With Decking Expressions
When it comes to talking about your deck, have you ever wondered about different expressions that are used to describe certain features or parts of your deck? Though some terms may seem confusing, once you get to know what they really mean, you will be using decking expressions and jargon with ease.
Impress your guests and widen your knowledge by using the correct terms when referring to your deck. Deck Expressions is here with a few expressions that you should be familiar with.

Joist Tape for Decks
Joist tape is used over joists before securing decking boards. This helps to keep moisture away from your deck which would otherwise cause your joist to start decaying. Joist tape can be used on decks and under exterior floors.
It is composed of elastomeric bitumen and has an adhesive membrane. Joist tape extends the life of your deck and is fairly inexpensive, is flexible, and can be easily installed.
Balusters for Decks
You can easily upgrade the look of your deck simply by using balusters. Balusters are a series of pillars that support the rails on your deck. They are also known as spindles and are the most popular choice of infill between the rails. Balusters come in different shapes and materials ā they can be rectangular, round, or baroque to suit your style. Most balusters are powder coated with an aluminum alloy or a corrosion-resistant material.
Decking Composite
Composite is a substitute for wood and is used for railings and decking boards. It is a synthetic material and made out of plastic and recycled fibers. Composite is available in different colors and style options. It is easily available in different hardware stores and is a low-maintenance option. Most composite looks just like wood because it has a wood-like grain pattern.
You can find composite boards in square edges for traditional installation or in a grooved edge for hidden deck fasteners. It will not rot, splinter, or warp and has a little carbon footprint.
Deck Support
Deck support is a strong pedestal that supports the decking surface and is used for rooftop patios and sheds. Deck supports are usually adjustable and are used to lend solid support to your deck. It helps to level the floor during or after construction especially during freezing or pouring in cold weather.
It is an effective solution to hold up your deck, is usually made of resistant material, offers long-term protection, and can be used directly in concrete or with a concrete block.
Being familiar with decking expressions will go a long way especially if you plan on doing a DIY job or simply want to increase your knowledge. Try to read up on other decking expressions to make yourself familiar with decking jargon!