Code and Testing

Product code and testing Documentation

An ICC-ES Report is a document that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a particular evaluation. ICC-ES Reports verify that new and innovative building products comply with code requirements. ICC-ES Reports provide information about what code requirements or acceptance criteria were used to evaluate a product, and how the product should be identified, installed and much more.


When discussing evaluation reports, many fail to differentiate between the entities that write the model building codes or I-codes (ICC) from the companies that write the evaluation reports themselves. The International Code Council (ICC) is the most well-recognized name in the development of model building codes, but the International Code Council (ICC) does not actually write evaluation reports. A subsidiary of the ICC, called ICC-ES, writes evaluation reports (ES Reports) but there are many credible independent, third party, certifying organizations that also offer code evaluation reports to building product manufacturers.

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